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How Do I Know It's My Dress?

How Do I Know It’s My Dress?

Most people who know me know that it took me a very, very, very, very, VERY long time to find my dress for my wedding. You think that owning a bridal shop would be beneficial, and I would know the minute I got engaged what dress I was going to wear. LIES. I was extremely panicked after I got engaged, and I had no idea what dress I was going to wear.


I’ve tried on several, and I do mean SEVERAL, wedding dresses, be it for fun or for fashion shows, I’ve tried ‘em all. Before I was engaged, I would try on every new dress we received and facetiously say “This is my dress!”. My mom likes to tell stories about that, ask her! (Love you, mom!) Below is a collage with dresses that I said were “my” dress; LOL

So how does a girl who owns a bridal shop, who photographs weddings, and is around wedding dresses almost 24/7 find THE dress? Great question!

To be honest I had no idea what the hell I was looking for. At first I wanted a mermaid, then I wanted blingy, then I wanted this then, I wanted that etc. My mind changed constantly! THERE ARE SO MANY PRETTY DRESSES HOW DO YOU FIND THE ONE?!

The months went on, and I still was batshit crazy. I was so lost as to what my “bridal vision” was. It got to the point where I would just pick a dress because it fit me. I know I know, that is EXACTLY what we here at Bombshell preach NOT to do, to NEVER settle on your wedding gown. Go on, you have permission to yell at me. However I was tired, and felt so pressured to find the “perfect” dress. People would tell me “Since you’re co-owner you need to have the most fabulous dress ever!”. Take about PRESSURE! How can you not feel pressured these days? Pinterest, Say Yes to the Dress, and all those bridal magazines! Personally, I hate Say Yes to the Dress... those shows make you feel like you HAVE to cry, you have to feel some sort of dramatic emotion, because if you don’t you’re not human. I CALL BULLSHIT.


After a sea of dresses and countless months of trying on every dress that comes in the store, I finally found my dress. I didn’t cry and neither did any of my family. I looked at it on me and thought I looked damn good. The best part? I felt like me! It didn’t match my theme at all and you know what? I’m perfectly okay with that. My theme was sort of a disney/nautical mash up, my bridesmaids wore shades of pink and purple not navy, and my dress was a floral print. #SorryNotSorry

Some girls (such as myself) don’t have waterworks, or have feelings of pure bliss when they find their dress. Did you feel that way about your fiance when you first met them? No? Good, because that is weird. :p It took time to get to know your fiance, and took time to fall in love with them. THAT IS OKAY if it is the same way with your dress! Decisions about your wedding have so much pressure behind them, take a look at the big picture and remember this is about you, and your fiance. Your dress is about the only wedding decision that is just about you, and your fiance will love you in whatever you choose!

Tips from Amy:
  1. Don’t try on billions of dresses, your mind can get very clouded, very fast. (Trust me on this one) More isn’t always better.
  2. Pick the dress that you feel good in and that suits your personality. You like black wedding dresses? Welp gurl, wear that black wedding dress! #slay
  3. The dress is the only part of the wedding that is just about you. Budgets can get cut elsewhere to make room for your dress. Take the corn off of the buffet, no one will even notice. (I know, I know, I’m biased owning a wedding gown shop and all… But Bombshell wouldn’t exist if we didn’t think that feeling amazing in your wedding dress was just about the most important wedding detail)
  4. You don’t have to lose weight, you are beautiful just as you are, gorgeous.
  5. Most importantly, remember this decision is about you and you alone. Don’t let anyone sway your decision, because everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, on your wedding day will tell you that you look beautiful.

Talk soon!


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